A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Tax RatesThese are fixed by Finance Act passed by Parliament every year.
Term insurance An insurance plan, where the beneficiary receives the life insurance benefits only if the insured dies within a specified period.
Teynor measureIt is a performance measure. It is a systematic risk or bet is the appropriate measure of risk, as suggested by the capital asset pricing model. It relates to the excess return on a portfolio to the portfolio beta
The advance-decline lineThe advance-decline line is a type of techical analysis and is also referred to as the breadth of the market. It is arrived at (i) Calculate the no. of net advances/declines on daily basis. (ii) Obtain the breadth of the market by cumulating daily net advances.
Total diability A person is disabled when 2 limbs are lost and he cannot carry on usual activity of earning livelihood.
TrustAnother estate planning tool. The planner is guided by 3 principles of protection, preservation and provision
Trust Classification(i) Private trust (ii) Express trust (iii) Resulting or Implied trust (iv) Constructive trust (v) Fixed trust (vi) Discretionary trust (vii) Living trust
Trust Fund Plan A pension plan under which employer and employee contributions are forwarded to a trustee, who is responsible for investing the contributions and is often responsible for making benefit payments to plan participants. The duties of the trustee, who may be an individual or an institution such as a bank trust department, are spelled out in a trust agreement. A trustee generally does not guarantee that the trust fund will be adequate to pay current and future pension benefits.