A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Market riskA stock is exposed to the risk of changes in economy, govt. policy, GDP, GNP, Govt. spending, money supply etc.
Marking-to-marketFutures contracts are marked to market on periodic basis measuring profit & losses are settled periodically
Master policy In group insurance, the only document given to the employer.
Maturity Date(1) The date on which an endowment insurance policy's face amount will be paid to the policy owner if the insured is still living. (2) The date on which an insurer begins to pay periodic benefits under an annuity. Also known as the annuity date.
Maximum possible loss worst loss that could happen
Maximum probable loss worst loss that is likely to happen.
MISMonthly Income Schemes, say of P.O.
Money MarketThe market for short-term financial claims is called the money market.
Moral hazard Dishonesty or character defects in an insured that increase the chance of loss.
Morale hazard Indifference to a loss event due to the existence of insurance.
Mortality RateThe frequency with which death occurs or is expected to occur among a defined group of people.
Mortality TableA chart that displays the incidence of death among a given group of people categorized by age.